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The Hive Gaming Lorcana Pack Rush

Regular price £15.00

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 21st - February 2025

Pack Rush

Registration at 7.00pm start 7.15pm

Entry is £15 which includes your 2 booster packs and  you will keep these cards. 

3 rounds of swiss with best of 3 games in 50 minutes

1st Prize an oversize Lorcana Card

2nd Prize Genie Deck Box

3rd Prize 3 Promo cards


1. Each player needs two unopened Disney Lorcana booster packs. These can be from the same set or a mix of your 
favorite sets. 
2. Determine the first player using any method that’s convenient and comfortable for you. Examples include rolling dice, 
flipping a coin, taking turns naming Disney Princesses until someone can’t, etc.
3. Open your booster packs. It’s best if you don’t look at the cards yet. That way the game can be a surprise for everyone.
4. Set aside the marketing/puzzle cards. You’ll need them later.
5. Shuffle all the cards from your two booster packs together, again taking care not to look at them. There are no ink restrictions in Pack Rush—you can play with them all!
6. Set your lore tracker to 0.
7. Draw 5 cards for your starting hand. If you want to alter your hand, you can do that now. 
8.Remember those two marketing/puzzle cards you set aside? Alakazam—they’re ink cards! Put them into your inkwell in the ready position. You start the game with 2 ink ready to go!
Once these steps are completed, the game begins. From this point on, Pack Rush uses the normal Disney Lorcana rules with a couple of important exceptions:

♦ The first player to reach 15 lore or more wins the game.
♦ If you need to draw and you’ve run out of cards in your deck, shuffle your discard and place it facedown as your new deck.

Points will also be awarded as normal for the Round

These points gain the rewards offered in the Lorcana play program

Have a great night

The link above takes you to our facebook group where we post standings etc